Administrative work is absolutely vital-it's what keeps your business organized and humming along smoothly. But that doesn't mean you should be the one doing it. As the business owner, 80% of your time should be focused exclusively on planning, strategizing, marketing and development, not to mention working with clients if you provide a professional service.
Doing your own administrative work cuts into the time you have to devote to those core revenue-generating areas. If you don't have the skills and resources to do that work well, it will take you longer. If you don't like doing certain things, you'll keep putting them off, creating more and more backlog. All of which ends up zapping your energy and wasting precious time and resources, not solving them.
The good news is that you can grow your business beyond where it is today with just a bit of strategic support. The more administrative, non-core, energy-draining activities you can eliminate from your plate, the more profitable, streamlined and successful your business can be -and the more time you'll have for life".
Information retrieved from Administrative Consultant Association. Clients' Guide to Administrative Consultants.